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Danobatgroup, a leading industrial group in machine tools and advanced manufacturing, underscores its unwavering commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and the promotion of the Basque language with the launch of the Multilingual Dictionary of the 2030 Agenda.
This initiative, launched in collaboration with the Basque Government and Elhuyar, seeks to enrich and promote the language in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same time, it also seeks to raise public awareness of the importance of sustainability.
The presentation, which took place this morning at the seat of the Basque government in San Sebastian, was attended by Idoia Bustinduy, Danobatgroup’s Communications Manager, Jonan Fernandez, Secretary General for Social Transition and Agenda 2030, and Jon Abril Olaetxea, Elhuyar’s General Coordinator.
The Multilingual Dictionary of the 2030 Agenda includes 3,600 terms and definitions in Basque, Spanish and English related to sustainable development. The dictionary, accessible online at , offers not only the glossary itself but also additional features such as choosing the interface language from among Basque, Spanish, or English, as well as consulting other dictionaries on the platform.
Commitment to sustainability
Because of its cooperative nature, Danobatgroup is historically linked to sustainability, understood as the balance between economic growth, environmental protection and social welfare. However, in 2021 the group made a significant leap in this area incorporating sustainability as one of its main strategic axes, introducing ESG (Environmental, Social and Good Governance) criteria as priority areas for action within its Strategic Plan 2021-2022.
Recognising a lack of specific terminology related to sustainable development, Danobatgroup initiated the glossary project with terms and definitions in Spanish and English. Firmly committed to the use of Basque at work, they called in the help of Elhuyar to translate this terminology into Basque, leveraging the latter´s expertise in dictionary creation. Seeing that there were no dictionaries in this domain, Elhuyar quickly joined the project and the Basque government jumped aboard soon after.
Committed to Basque language
As a long-standing advocate for the Basque language and culture, Danobatgroup has consistently worked to enable employees to use their mother tongue at work. Since Danobatgroup implemented the first Basque language scheme in one of its companies more than 20 years ago, the Group has continued to take steps to intensify its use, and motivated people to increase their knowledge of the Basque language.
Currently, 100% of Danobatgroup companies have their own Basque schemes and all member cooperatives have the Bikain Language Management Quality Certificate. This certificate, issued by the Basque Government, accredits the degree of standardisation of the Basque language in all the group´s companies as a working language both internally and externally.
Highlighting its commitment to linguistic diversity, Danobatgroup already published a glossary in Basque in the 1970s, the first technical workshop manual for the machine tool sector in Basque in the 2000s, and the Open Machine Tool Online Terminology Dictionary in Basque and Spanish in 2011, available at this link. This dictionary with over 3000 terms is available to anybody and is updated periodically with new terms.
The launch of the Multilingual Dictionary of the 2030 Agenda is another step in Danobatgroup´s commitment to sustainability, Basque and society in general, and responds directly to Objective 18 to be added to the 2030 Agenda by the Basque Government to give greater visibility to culture and the languages
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