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Despite the turbulent times of 2020, the Centre for Advanced Aeronautics Manufacturing (CFAA) closed out the year with great projects and with R&D&i reaping valuable fruits. This is reflected in its Annual Report, with data bringing optimism and hope to the centre’s management team.
The CFAA has completed approximately 300 projects since 2017 and is currently looking towards the consolidation stage and how to take advantage of the opportunities arising from the reconstruction funds. An international benchmark centre in the field of advanced manufacturing where aeronautics and machine tools potentiate each other.
Its two biggest success stories are, on one hand, the delivery of two casings made using the Cannister+HIPing process for Ultrafan, and, secondly, the integration of digital technologies in processes and machines in 5G environments, as well as the reduction of environmental impact. The centre forecast for 2021 is for “a year of broad horizons”.
Source: Interempresas.
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